Monday, November 15, 2010

November 19th gathering and announcements

Shalom Kol haKfarians,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday night for an evening of prayer and a community vegetarian meal. We now meet at 6:30pm due to Daylight Savings time; please come a bit earlier than usual so we can pray as a community. James Heyer will be our host, and Sara Link will contribute wine and other items for a kiddish in honor and in memory of her brother Josh.

We're topping off the head count at 36; please RSVP to and indicate what you will bring to the potluck. (In the future, we'll be trying out a spreadsheet to be more organized.)

James Heyer, 6:30pm
225 Fifth Ave., Apt 4M (26th/27th Streets)

In other news, we have a community meeting December 1st. As we've previously announced, Kol haKfar is now officially a religious corporation. This is exciting for many reasons, the most important of which is our ability to open a bank account and fund raise so we can continue to thrive as a community. On Wednesday, December 1 from 7-9pm at Carrie Kingsley's apartment (145 E 16 St. #7P), we will have an open community meeting to discuss fundraising ideas and our search for a larger space to use for special occasions. We welcome anyone in the Kol haKfar community interested in bringing ideas and energy to fundraising and space searching to join us. Arrive on time and you just might get some tasty latkes. Please RSVP for this community meeting at

Shavuah tov,

Kol haKfar

Last but not least, Illana Feiglin has an announcement about a JNF event this Thursday, which yours truly (ZBT and co) will be attending:

JNFuture is the gateway for the next generation to Jewish National Fund (JNF), the preeminent non-profit organization focused on caring for the state of Israel. JNFuture reaches out to 20- and 30-somethings through programming and events, missions to Israel and forums with young Jewish leaders to engage and increase support for JNF’s initiatives. One of the most popular events for young Jewish professionals in NYC is JNFuture’s Garden of Eden gala. I am thrilled to be serving as a host for this exclusive event and would love for you to be there on Thursday, November 18th at one of the city’s hottest new venues, the Gansevoort Park Avenue.

Tickets are $90. However, $40 of each ticket is tax deductible so you’re basically only paying $50 for 4 hours of open bar and food, raffle and entertainment along with a fun night out with old friends (and potentially new ones) in the city’s hottest new venue. Does it get any better? I mean, really…

To purchase your ticket, click Feel free to invite friends. The more, the merrier.

Looking forward to seeing you on November 18th at the Gansevoort Park Avenue.
Illana Feiglin


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