Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Shalom Friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday night for inspired davening and a light kiddush at Leora's lovely loft just north of Madison Square Park -- AKA NoMad. Please join us, and please bring a small snack -- fruit, nuts, olives, wine or seltzer -- to share. Please add your name to the community spreadsheet so we can track the headcount: http://bit.ly/16E6VnC. Or email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com.

Leora Singer, 7pm
--email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com for the address--

We're facing a crunch when it comes to hosts and HaShem wants you to solve this problem. We have a community of rock stars when it comes to davening leaders, organizers, chefs and sommeliers. But we're light on hosts. It's forcing our more generous members, ahem, Leora, to sponsor us on a regular basis. We ask that you please open your home if you live within the low 30s to Canal Street and have space for 20ish people. Please email us today at kolhakfar@yahoo.com to max out your mitzvah quota.

Have a great post yom atzmaut week.

-- Zachary   


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