Monday, July 25, 2011

July 29th

Shalom chaverim,

Kol haKfar is hosting another special event this Friday. We'll be gathering in Brooklyn since this month has 5 Fridays and we've already met twice in July. As always, Kol haKfar's principal home is downtown Manhattan, but on Fridays when it doesn't conflict we're experimenting with praying in the beautiful borough of Brooklyn.

Amanda and Jaki will be our gracious hosts for a vegetarian potluck meal. Please join us and bring tasty treats! Please fill out our nifty spreadsheet to RSVP and indicate what you can bring, or email us if you can't access the Google doc. Here it is:

Amanda Melpolder and Jaki Levy, 7pm
315 St Johns Place, Apt 2C
Brooklyn, NY 11238,+Apt+2C&ftid=0x89c25ba76e7dca1b:0x680a41c921fdd717

Have a great week,

Zachary and Co.


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