Monday, March 14, 2011


Kol haKfar meets this Friday at Carrie Kingley's swank abode for a night of Shabbat prayers and a dairy potluck meal. We meet now at 7pm and we'll cap attendance at 30. Please RSVP to to secure a spot; and please indicate what you can bring on our spreadsheet: Thanks!

Carrie Kingsley, 7pm
145 E 16th St., Apt 7P (NW corner of 3rd Ave)
Please note that Carrie has a very friendly dog


Community Announcements:

1) Due to a change in Facebook, we've been unable to send emails to people on our groups page. This has prompted us to move to a fan page and stop emailing repeat notes over Facebook. Many other minyans have dealt with this. If you have friends on the Facebook list, please have them join the Yahoo! email list so they can be sure to get our announcements. To do so they can email

2) The Steering Committee has been formed! We propose moving ahead by forming two important action groups: Budget/Fundraising and Shauvot Party Planning, and we'll also be meeting as a committee to discuss an important point in our by laws. All KhK folk who qualify to be voting members -- been attending services for over a year at least 50% of the time -- can join any time. Email us, and we'll put you to work! For those already on the list, please stay tuned for an email that proposes that we start these initiatives.

3) Purim class! The new rabbi at the Battery Park Synagogue -- Matt Carl -- is a long time friend of the minyan. He's running a class this Thursday in BPC about Purim. For all those curious to learn Torah in a traditional egalitarian setting, we highly encourage you to attend:
May/must one get drunk on Purim: The mitzvah of "Until you don't know..."
Thursday 3/17, 7:00 PM
Battery Park Synagogue
385 South End Ave (enter through Gateway Plaza) New York NY 10080
Refreshments will be provided for all Irish observant Jews.

Shavuah tov,

Zachary from KhK


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