Monday, February 28, 2011

Shalom Village People,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egal minyan, gathers this Friday night for Shabbat davening, a delicious vegetarian dinner and a communal D'var Torah. Please join us at David Keyes' home in the clouds as we warmly welcome him to our roster of minyan hosts. (And we'll toast his success for making a new human rights organization.) This will be a dairy potluck meal; when you RSVP to please indicate what you can bring at:

We'll cap attendance at 30. The Torah portion is Pekudei -- which translates as Fashion Week using the Downtown Manhattan exegesis method.

David Keyes, 6:30pm
125 W 31st Apt 23H
(between 6th and 7th Aves)


In other news, we had a great Kol haKfar meeting. Thanks to all who attended. We've formed an official Steering Committee. We have open enrollment for all voting members -- if you've been coming 50% of the time to minyan events year-to-date, then you're a voting member. The Steering Committee is responsible for setting larger minyan policy that affects all of us, fund raising and planning awesome events. All our welcome to join, and all will be held accountable for delivering the goods to the KhK community.

Right out the gate we're creating two action groups: 1) plan and produce a Shavuos party in a fun space downtown and 2) create a budget and apply for a UJA grant. We'll be meeting at least once a quarter, with the action groups (or whatever we decide to call them) meeting more frequently. For more info, please email us at We need your help and want your involvement.

Policy-wise, we decided that our public and private minimum kosher policies will be the same, meaning that we welcome non-hekshered vegetarian food at all KhK events, but we'll always have kosher as an option for wine and other relevant food/drink items, and we'll always only use kosher meat from kosher kitchens. Lastly, we'll be scheduling a follow up meeting with the Board to drill down about who qualifies for voting membership. Have an opinion, suggest or an idea? Please email us. We love to hear from you.

Lastly we're still experiencing a space crunch. Know someone with a large apartment south of 34th street and north of Canal who'd like to host us for free or a minor cost? Please email us at

Shavuah tov party people,

Zachary from KhK


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