Monday, January 31, 2011

Feb 4th gathering


Kol haKfar gathers this Friday night at Zachary's abode to celebrate Shabbat, enjoy a vegetarian meal and share a word of Torah. (Parsha Terumah: BTW, if you'd like to lead a D'var Torah, please email us anytime to get on-board. We'd love to have more people lead spirited, brief discussions. (And we'd love more shalchei tzibor too.)

This Friday night Nathan Burstein will sponsor a wine kiddish and dessert in honor of his grandfather, who recently passed away.

Zachary Thacher, 6:30pm
41 Grove St, 4B - corner of Bleecker

Since it's a small space we'll cap of attendees at 25. Please RSVP to and add what you can bring to our spreadsheet ( Since Zachary isn't the world's most delightful chef, all food items will be gratefully accepted. Wine is good too, but food is better.

In other news, as announced at our last minyan, we are seeking community input on overarching policy and planning matters to help the minyan move forward as an organization to continue meeting the needs of our beloved community. We'd like to hold a meeting to discuss how to progress in a collaborative and efficient way. If you are an active Kol haKfar member -- have been coming to our Friday night minyanim at least 50% of the time over the past year -- we encourage you to attend our next community meeting on Wednesday at 7pm, February 23rd at Zachary's lovely apartment. Please RSVP at to attend, and we'll send an agenda before hand. We're only as strong as our members, please do show up!

Thank you!

Kol haKfar


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