Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dear friends,

It's been a big year for Kol haKfar -- we've added more members, met more frequently and hosted more meals than ever. We also formed a Board of Trustees and incorporated as a non-profit religious organization -- for the first time after 8 years!

With this success have come growing pains. We have more people interested in attending our Friday nights meetings than can fit in a standard living room, yet we've lost some hosts as they've moved away. We also need to better communicate so we can organize meals, respond to RSVPs, schedule hosts and provide an events calendar.

How can we continue to be the same Kol haKfar we know and love, and also up our game to serve growing our needs? With your help, we'll get there.

Our immediate goal is to rent a loft downtown we can use for special Friday night occasions. A committee is now looking into options. The plan is to host a Friday night gathering at a homey, fun, lounge-like space as a test -- if we like it, then we can rent it on special occasions and give our generous hosts a needed break, and offer our hospitality to a larger crowd. Our second goal is to upgrade our web presence to make communications more useful for everyone.

We ask for your help by making a generous tax-deductible donation to Kol haKfar before year end. As a suggested scale, we recommend a donation from $36 to $360.

You can send a check by snail mail or from your online bank. Please make it out to "Kol haKfar" at 41 Grove St #4B / NY NY 10014, which is the address we've used to incorporate the minyan. Or you can use PayPal. Click the "Donate" button at on the right side of the page.

All donations are 100% tax deductible – a letter will be sent to each donor acknowledging their contribution.

Thank you for your support! We're excited to do more for the community in 2011.

President, Kol haKfar


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