Friday, December 17, 2010

Shalom Kol haKfaristas,

Thanks to those who already made donations to the minyan. We encourage everyone else to please make a 100% tax-deductible donation to Kol haKfar from $36 - $360. You can mail us a check made out to Kol haKfar 41 Grove St 4B NY NY 10014, or you can use Paypal by clicking the donate button at Your generosity helps us serve the entire Kol haKfar community.

Speaking of serving the community... get ready for a great evening tonight. We're meeting up at Laura Nova's glass-paneled palace in the sky for a lively Shabbat celebration;, a community kosher meat meal and a touch of Torah. Until we acquire the loft space of our dreams, we have to cap off registration tonight at 30 people. There's still a little room left so please RSVP to, and go to our nifty new spreadsheet at to indicate what you can bring to the meal. We're looking for parve or kosher meat dishes for sharing.

6:30pm at the home of Laura Nova
383 Grand St., Apt. M11-03 (Seward Park building)

Also, we need hosts for the following dates. Please email us to open your home to the minyan

2/25 (skipping Purim on 2/18)

See you tonight!

Shabbat shalom,

Kol haKfar


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