Monday, March 28, 2011

April 1st

Good morning Kfaristas,

Kol haKfar, the downtown traditional egalitarian minyan, meets this Friday night at 7pm for davening and dinner. Please join us and please bring tasty vegetarian food to share. We'll cap attendance at around 25, so please RSVP to Also, please fill out the Google spreadsheet for what you can bring. Main dishes or substantial side dishes are much appreciated:

Zachary Thacher, 7pm
41 Grove St, 4B

Minyan news:
1) We're excited to announce that the steering committee has decided to experiment with a Shabbat gathering in Brooklyn on a night we don't usually meet: April 29th. Jared Weinstein will be our host. Stay tuned for more details.

2) We need hosts! Please let us know if you can host 4/15 or 5/20. If you live south of 34th and north of Delancey/Broome, you're in our zone. Many thanks.

Shavuah tov,



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