Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busy week...

Kol haKfarians,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, is having a busy week. Monday we host a Steering Committee meeting, then Friday we gather for Shabbat fun at Laura Nova's Lower East Side apartment.

1 -- Steering Committee, Monday May 16, 7pm
We're having a steering committee meeting since Shavuot is fast approaching and we'd like to do some long-term planning. We love for your participation, enthusiasm and voluntary goodness. We meet at Ben and Jennie's at 7pm. Please RSVP to -- we'll send the address to you then. All are welcome to attend, and only Kol haKfar members can vote in minyan decisions. Want to get involved? Please email us.

2 - Shabbat Fun, Friday May 20, 7pm
The lovely Laura Nova hosts the minyan this Friday at her LES abode in the sky -- 7pm. She's hosting a kosher vegetarian/dairy meal, so please bring items to share. Side dishes, small plates, kosher wine, other beverages and desserts are most welcome. It's a community meal, so please do bring something. Please RSVP to and please indicate what you can bring here:

Laura Nova -- Friday May 20th, 7pm
383 Grand, Apt. M11-03 (Seward Park building)

Have a great week!


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