Monday, May 30, 2011

Friday June 3rd

Shalom Kfarians,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egal minyan with more vibes than the Beach Boys, gathers at Leora Singer's Murray Hill manor this Friday for an evening of Shabbat celebration. Since it's a cozy New York flat, please RSVP to She'll be hosting a vegetarian potluck meal, please tell us what you can contribute here: We mostly need substantial side dishes, and then kosher wine and non-alcoholic beverages, in roughly that order. The parsha is Naso, which oddly relates to Brian Wilson grooming techniques.

Email for address...


Please save the date for a June 7th Shavuot party at Carrie Kingsley's Union Square abode! We're talking dairy cocktails, Torah learning, fun and food. We're looking for a few sagacious volunteers to help lead a tikkun about the Book of Ruth and others to help organize the festivities. Got a great cocktail you want to try? Love to explain fascinating aspects of Torah? Please email to help plan:

Last but not least -- good luck to Jared Weinstein on his cross-country ride. We send your our love, good vibrations and very good excitations. Ride safe and have fun chaver!

-- Ziesel Benyamin


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