Monday, May 16, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, had a successful fund raiser at the AIDS Walk on Sunday, May 15th. Special thanks to Jill Goldenziel for organizing the team. Please email to learn more about participating in social justice initiatives.

On Friday, May 20th, we will gather at 7PM to daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv at Stephanie and Zeke's Apartment in the East Village. Please arrive on time and please bring a siddur.

19 St Marks Place, Apt 3J, 7PM

North side of the street, b/w 3rd and 2nd Aves.

Community Announcements:

Save Darfur, Sudan

Dear Kol haKfar,
Rachel Smith is working on a Darfur event. It would be great to have a Kol Hakfar contingent there! So save the date and if you're interested in being more involved you can talk to me or email Barak (email below). We might also want to consider sponsoring the event, which would mainly entail committing to bring ten people. If you can commit to coming, email me - - and that way we can get a feel for whether or not we have enough people to be a co-sponsor.

SAVE THE DATE: Jewish Community Day of Learning: Save Darfur, Sudan
Sunday, June 26
Please join the New York City Jewish community in an afternoon dedicated to raising funds for Emergency Relief in Darfur, Sudan, discussing strategies for activism, and reflecting on Jewish issues raised by the ongoing crisis. All funds raised will benefit the American Jewish World Service's Sudan Emergency Appeal. The initiating sponsors of the event are the American Jewish World Service, Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, and Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.Additional details will follow.
Inquiries about volunteer and co-sponsorship opportunities should be directed to Barak Epstein at


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