Sunday, February 06, 2005

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, will meet again this February 18th to daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv. We will also have a potluck dinner with a lecture/discussion led by Gregg Gardner re: astrology in the Talmud. Unfortunately, no fortunes will be read.

6pm. Zachary Thacher's apartment: 41 Grove St, Apt 4B
(Between Bleecker and Bedford -- just west of 7th Ave South)

Please bring a vegetarian kosher or non-kosher vegetarian dish to share -- we'll keep the hechshered kosher foods separate from the non-kosher foods. If you're loath to cook or buy foods, please bring a bottle of kosher wine. And yes, there is too much of a good thing when it comes to chummus.


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