Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Dear Kol haKfar,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, will meet this Friday night Nov 5at 6pm to daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv at Denny’s apartment. Please bring a siddur and a friend.

Denny Levy’s apartment60 East 8th Street Apt 12P (b/w B’way & Mercer)212-274.-757

We look forward to seeing you on Friday.


Kol haKfar

Community notices:
An egalitarian minyan will meet at the Synagogue for the Arts at 9:00 on Saturday, November 6. The Synagogue for the Arts is at 49 White Street -- 3 blocks south of Canal between Broadway and Church. We will daven in the Gallery Space downstairs. For more information, contact Brad Bernstein .
From Dr Warren Hoffman:Some of you have showed interest in going on a tour of the city -- now's your chance! I am giving a public show-up Eating Tour of the Lower East Side on Sunday November 14th at 1 PM.Here's the blurb:
A tour that mixes history and gastronomy on the multi-ethnic Lower East Side: Learn about the Jewish East Side, Little Italy and Chinatown as we nosh our way through the neighborhood, sampling foods traditional to the Dominican Republic, Eastern Europe, China, Italy, and more.
For those with dietary restrictions, all the food is either vegetarian or kosher (or both) with the exception of two of our stops for which there are veggie options. If you would like to go on the tour, you need to RSVP to the Leave your name, the number in party and a contact number. (Though please CC me on the message so I can know to expect you and make sure that you end up in my group as this is a BUSY tour and there will most likely be 4-5 tour guides leading.)
The cost is $16 for adults and $14 for students (includes the price of food).
Questions, e-mail me.
Hope to see some of you there.
Warren Hoffman


See you on Friday!


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