Thursday, September 09, 2004

Dear Kol haKfar,

We will have services at 6PM, Friday September 17th, to celebrate the first Shabbat of 5765. Zachary will host a potluck vegetarian/kosher dinner and tisch following davening. Since we'll be having a lot of people for the dinner/tisch at 8PM, it's important that we show up at 6PM to daven. Please note the new time. This inaugurates our Fall/Winter shift to meeting at 6PM for davening.

Zachary Thacher: 41 Grove St, Apt 4B

We're looking for self-appointed song-leaders to help with the tisch. If you would like to lead singing, please bring benschers or copies of songs.

For the dinner, please bring a vegetarian dish cooked in a kosher kitchen with hekshered ingredients, or purchased at a store. If you do not have a kosher kitchen, then cook something vegetarian and label it as not-kosher. Please RSVP via email to: Kol haKfar.
Shana tova!

- Kol haKfar


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