Friday, August 06, 2004

KhK: Reminder for davening tonight, Notice for Zachary's Kerry fundraiser Aug 12th

Dear Kol haKfar,
Two items:
1) Reminder for tonight: Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, will gather at 7pm to daven kabbalat shabbat and ma'ariv at Paul Fischer's apartment: 9 Barrow Street, 5F (between West 4th and 7th Avenue). Please bring a siddur and friends.
2) Speaking of friends, your friend Zachary is hosting, with many others, a fundraiser for John Kerry. This Thursday, Aug 12th, at 7pm, Yo La Tengo, Eric Bogosian, Chris Heinz (son of Teresa), Jonathan Lethem, Rachel Dratch (SNL) and others will perform and speak at the fundraiser. The event is at Spirit, 530 W. 27th St. Please go to and buy tickets at the $100 level, and put in my name as the referrer. This is going to be a fun event, and an opportunity to contribute to change. Happily, Kerry is very pro-Israel and a friend of the Jews. 100% of all donations go to the DNC's "Kerry Victor 2004" Fund. Let's get a good showing of Kol haKfar to help kick some ass.
Shabbat shalom,
Kol haKfar

Kol haKfar
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan
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