Sunday, June 06, 2004

Dear Kol haKfar,

We had a wonderful shabbat on Friday June 4th. Thanks to Dr. Warren Hoffman for leading a discussion about sexual identities in Yiddish literature -- Yentl is just the tip of the iceberg. We're soliciting suggestions for our next speaker: if you would like to speak on a Jewish topic, or if you know of someone who would like to visit us, please contact us. We're working on lining up Douglas Rushkoff in late August.

We didn't have a minyan last Friday. We're wondering if we should switch to once a month, with a potluck meal and lecturer, for the summer and then pick up our regular schedule after the Chagim. Or perhaps change the minyan permanently to this model. We also davened kabbalat shabbat in a circle which was great. Please email us your thoughts.

That said, we will once more in June on the 18th for davening (no dinner). We will proceed davening with a screening of Paul Fischer's short film, all in Yiddish. Please show up at 7pm promptly to catch the film and have a cocktail.

Film Screening of "Mendl": Monday June 7th at the Brooklyn International Film Festival. 8pm at the Brooklyn Museum.

Party: Everyone is welcome to come to Havdalah and light food starting at 9pm on Saturday, June 12 at Jill Goldenziel and Mike Pine's place (and hopefully progressing to somewhere larger with a wider selection of alcohol) in celebration of their wedding! 225 E. 6th St., #2L, H: 212-253-6083

Shavuah tov,

Kol haKfar


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