Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Dear Kol haKfar,

We will gather on June 4th at 7pm to daven kabbalat shabbat and ma'ariv, and we'll also have a potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share that is both vegetarian and kosher. For those with non-kosher kitchens who bring a vegetarian dish, please label it as such. We'll meet at 41 Grove St, Apt. 4B.

It is Erev Shavuot tonight, and Malaika was kind enough to pass on a suggestion about events at Sha'arei Tzedek, in the UWS:

Tuesday, May 25 Erev Shavuot / Tikkun Leil Shavuot co-sponsored with JTS, the Tikkun will feature dinner and all-night learning with your friends and professors. Tentative schedule:
* Minchah 8:00 pm
* Pre-maariv lecture Chancellor Ismar Schorsch
* Maariv 9:00 pm
* Dinner 9:20 pm ($18; $10 for Shaare Zedek members and Seminary affiliates)
* Dessert 12:00 am Dessert is sponsored by Deann & Sid Vidaver in honor of their first wedding anniversary.
* Classes 10:15 pm 4:50 am; featuring Rabbi Mark Ankcorn, Rabbi Tirza Covel, Fanny Freund, Gillian Steinberg, Rabbi Charles Savenor, Rabbi Iscah Waldman, Esther Kustanowitz, David Freidenreich, Rabbi Dan Schweber & Sid Vidaver.
*Shacharit 4:50 am
* Kiddush and Breakfast " 6:45 am
Note: Except for davening, all times are approximate! J

Also, the Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue is having another 20-30's shabbat on May 28th:

Come join us at Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue for our monthly 20/30-something Shabbat on Friday evening, May 28th at 6:00 PM. Weather permitting, we will daven in the courtyard, and Kabbalat Shabbat will feature guitar accompaniment (Please note that we will be using a guitar only during the part of the service that precedes the beginning of Shabbat). Kiddush and light refreshments to follow. There is no charge or RSVP required.

CSFA is a small, egalitarian, friendly shul located at 11 E. 11th St., between Fifth Ave. and University Pl. Contact Seth Adelson (sethkaj@hotmail.com) with questions.

Chag Sameach,

Kol haKfar


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