Thursday, July 15, 2004

Kol haKfar,

The downtown egalitarian minyan will gather tomorrow night, Friday 7/16 at 7pm, at Stephanie and Zeke's new apartment to daven kabbalat shabbat and ma'ariv.

Please note that we will pray on their terrace and won't be able to hear the buzzer from there. If you'd like to attend the gathering, please arrive before 7:30pm so we can buzz you in. If you arrive after 7:30pm, we won't hear you buzz and you'll miss it. B'kitzor: be on time. And please bring a siddur.

Stephanie Green and Zeke Vanderhoek
19 St Marks Place, Apt 3J (between 2nd and 3rd Aves, East Village, this is the equivalent of E. 8th St)

Map of Saint Marks Pl

Shabbat shalom!


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