Thursday, February 24, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian - and some might say the coolest - minyan is gathering again March 4th to welcome in Shabbat at 6PM. We'll meet at Stephanie Green and Zeke Vanderhoek's lovely East Village apartment for Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv:

19 St Marks Place, Apt 3J
North side of the street, b/w 3rd and 2nd Aves.

If you don't use a buzzer or electricity on Shabbat you'll need to use the entrance to the East of the main entrance -- someone will be there at 6PM sharp to walk you up. Please don't be late as it's damn cold outside. If you do buzz and use elevators then just ride on up to Apartment 3J. You shouldn't be late either!

Please bring a siddur, a friend, and positive vibes.


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