Sunday, March 06, 2005


1 - March 11 Minyan Oneg on the Upper West Side
2 - March 18th Shabbat davening at Rahel and Emily's E. 12th St, 6PM

Join the Jewish community for our first Community Oneg, cosponsored by Tikvat Yisrael, Kehilat Orach Eliezer (KOE), Kol Zimrah, DarKhei Noam, Selah, Kol haKfar, and other prayer organizations. Activities for the evening include singing, meditation, board games, and a short Dvar Torah. Meet new people, enjoy dessert, and have a great time!
Date: Friday night March 11, 2005, 9:30PM -11:30 PM
Location: Youth Hostel on Amsterdam Avenue betw.103-104th
Cost: Free of charge.
For those who would like accommodations for Shabbat email Jason at

For those camping out uptown looking for a lunch, Jennifer Gersch of Town & Village Synagogue is hosting a community lunch: She lives at 895 WEA (b/w 103rd and 104th ST), the west side of the avenue. Please email her if you're interested:

Rahel and Emily will host Kol haKfar at their apartment on March 18th at 6PM as we daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv. Please bring a siddur. We apologize for the typo in the email that went out last week about the date. It's definitely March 18th.

321 East 12th Street #15

See you all soon!


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