Sunday, April 17, 2005


Chag sameach! Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, is having a special davening session on April 29th because there are five Fridays in April and Jill G and Mike P have generously offered to host us.

April 29th -- Mike and Jill's place
225 E. 6th St, 2L between Cooper Square/3rd Ave and 2nd Ave. 7PM

On May 6th we'll resume our normal schedule of meeting on the first and third Friday of every month to daven kabbalat shabbat and maariv. Paul Fischer has graciously agreed to host us at his apartment.

May 6th -- Paul Fischer's place
9 Barrow Street, 5F at 7PM

Have a great Passover. Once we were slaves, now we practice Atkins!


Kol haKfar


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