Monday, March 21, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, does not meet this Friday per our schedule (1st and 3rd Friday of every month.) We gather again April 1st at Rachel Smith’s place near NYU. However, there are a few events downtown you should know about this week:

Purim kicks off Thursday night. There is a wonderful, frum, not-egalitarian megillah reading at Derech Amuno, a beautiful schul on West Fourth and Charles Street. Starts around 6PM.

The Village Minyan is also having a megillah reading (with homemade hamentaschen by a Kol haKfar member). The reading starts at 7 pm at the Village Community School (272 W. 10th St off Greenwich St.)

After the megillah reading JDub throws a party at S.O.B.’s. From the Hadar website which we have shamelessly ripped off:
The Party – At 8:30 pm, Hadar co-sponsores the JDub Purim Party with Balkan Beat Box. Performance meets dance party: BBB brings folk traditions of North Africa, the Balkans, and the Middle East with beats, video projections, and guests. Led by ex-Gogol Bordello member Ori Kaplan and Firewater/Big Lazy's Tamir Muskat, with Israeli hip hop star Tomer Yosef.
The party’s at S.O.B.'s (204 Varick St @ Houston). Doors open at 8:30 pm, music starting at 9:30 pm. Cost is $10 in advance through, or $15 at the door w/costume, $18 without. The event is made possible by a grant from UJA-Federation of New York.

You have many davening options Friday night, we recommend Town & Village on E. 14th street b/w 1st and 2nd Aves, and the Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue’s Shabbat for 20/30s.

From CFSA: Nothing cures a Purim hangover like Kabbalat Shabbat at CSFA. Join us for a friendly evening of tuneful davening at the Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue's monthly 20/30-Something Shabbat on Friday evening, March 25th. Kabbalat Shabbat services begin at 6:00 PM, and will be followed by light refreshments. There is no charge and no need to RSVP; Email questions to Seth Adelson at

CSFA is a traditional, egalitarian schul in the Village. We are located at 11 E. 11th St., between Fifth Avenue and University Place.

Happy Adar II!
-- Kol haKfar


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