Thursday, May 05, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets Friday night May 6th to daven kabbalat shabbat and maariv. Paul Fischer has graciously agreed to host us at his apartment.

Paul Fischer's place 9 Barrow Street, 5F at 7PM


Team Kol HaKfar @ AIDS Walk 2005!
Join Kol HaKfar for this year's AIDS Walk New York!

To learn more about our involvement, to register to walk, or to sponsor team Kol HaKfar, please email Jill Goldenziel or call 212-253-6083. You can also click on the link below. I can tell you all about our team activities; give you registration cards to add friends and relatives to our team; and answer questions. Online registration is also available at the AIDS Walk website: Click to AIDS Walk New York and go to "REGISTER ONLINE". Remember to indicate that you are on Team Kol HaKfar. You can download your sponsor form to print out immediately and receive your Walker Kit from the AIDS Walk office. Encourage your family members and friends to register online to walk with our team- the more the better!

Please join our team and walk on Sunday, May 15th 2005 - it's an importantcause and an inspiring day.

Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AIDS Walk New York


Rahel Lerner's mom at T&V:
Town & Village Synagogue Shabbaton
Join us for a weekend celebration of Yom Ha Atzma'ut, May 13-15
Tradition, Women and War: The Voices of Modern Israeli Poets Yehuda Amichai and Naomi Shemer

Anne Lapidus Lerner, Guest Speaker
Friday night services at 6 pm followed by dinner and speaker

Saturday at Shabbat services and after kiddush Anne Lapidus Lerner is director and founder of the Jewish Women's StudiesProgram, director of the Jewish Feminist Research Group and assistant professorof Jewish Literature at the Jewish Theological Seminary. She teaches courses inHebrew and American Jewish poetry, modern Jewish literature and the portrayal ofwomen in Jewish literature. A member of the JTS faculty since 1969, Dr. Lerner has served as associate dean of the graduate school, dean of List College andwas the first woman to hold the post of vice chancellor at JTS, where she wasone of the highest-ranking women in American Jewish institutional life. As vicechancellor, she focused on bringing Jewish knowledge to the lay communitythrough adult education. In fall 2000, her article "Yehuda Amichai: AnAppreciation" appeared in Conservative Judaism. Dr. Lerner serves on theeditorial boards of Women's League Outlook, Hadassah, Judaism, Nashim andLilith.

Come back Sunday morning for our first T&V Israel Zimriyah: Community Zimriyah - 10 a.m. to NoonDelicious Israeli-style BreakfastIsraeli brunch and Songfest for the entire Town & Village Community...a morningof song and community!!

Call Sara at T&V with questions 212-677-8090.


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