Monday, December 12, 2011

Shalom chaverim,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egal minyan, gathers this Friday tonight at 6:30pm for davening and a dairy/fish meal near Union Square. Please let us know if you can come and what you are bringing by emailing or by filling out our spreadsheet: 5sg.
Carrie Kingsley, 6:30pm
email us for the address
**Dozer the mellow French Bulldog will also be present.

In other news....

MEETING: We will hold the Kol haKfar annual meeting on Monday, December 19th at 7pm at Zachary Thacher's apartment (41 Grove St, Apt 4B). During the meeting we will present the annual financial report, discuss matters important to the KhK community, and accept nominations for the position of trustee and Treasurer of KhK. The one-year term of office for Ben Folkinshteyn, who has diligently served as a trustee and Treasurer for the past year, is up at the end of the year. Ben has volunteered to serve again as trustee and Treasurer for the next three-year term of office, but if anyone else would like to nominate him- or herself as trustee/Treasurer, we will accept nominations at the beginning of the meeting, and vote at the end of the meeting. All are welcome to attend, but only members can vote. We define minyan members as people who have come to at least 50% of all minyan events in the past year. Please RSVP separately for this meeting at

HOSTS: We're still facing a crunch for hosts. Please open your home to the minyan and we'll all be very grateful! Email us to schedule a time. The minyan offers reimbursement for the main course up to $75.

Have a great week,

Zachary from KhK 


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