Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Kol haKfarians,

Thanks to everyone for making it a great 2011 for Kol haKfar. By year end we will have hosted 26 gatherings in members' apartments across downtown Manhattan, including branching out to Park Slope for the first time. I want to take a minute to thank our generous hosts in rough order of frequency of hosting in 2011: Carrie Kingsley, Ben and Jennie Folkinstheyn, Leora Singer, Jonathan and Malorie Schecter, Laura Nova, Jared Weinstein, David Keyes, Paul Fischer and Amanda Melpolder. A few have hosted more than 4 times; all have been gracious and welcoming. Without them, the minyan can't happen.

For us to continue into 2012 we need to bring in more homes -- and to increase the frequency of our occasional hosts -- to give a needed respite to our frequent hosts and to diversify our services. If you live south of 34th Street and north of Canal and have a home that comfortably fits 25-30 people, or know of an appropriate, free (or cheap) space that can accommodate us, please email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com to open up your home. We're in particular need this December 16th and into the new year. As a reminder, the minyan will reimburse each host up to $75 towards costs for providing a main course. All you need to do is keep a receipt and give it our treasurer, Ben Folkinshteyn.

While I'm at it, I also want to thank our very generous, beautiful, sonorous and tireless prayer leaders: David Pasteelnik, Rebecca Milzoff, Baylene Wacks, Jonathan Schecter, Eva Stern, Asher Weiss, Ruth Weiss, Paul Fischer, Mara Raizer, Eric Post -- and a guest appearance by Warren Hoffman.

To recap: Please let us know if you can host.

Thanks everyone,



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