Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday September 30th - 5772!

Dear Good Peoples,

Kol haKfar -- New York City's traditional egalitarian minyan -- meets in Park Slope this Friday night for our Fifth Friday in Brooklyn pilot program. Due to Rosh HaShanah we expect it'll be a small turnout, please let us know if you're coming and what you're bringing by emailing or filling out our spreadsheet: hwR5sg. We will have a casual potluck dairy dinner following tefillot.

Jared Weinstein -- 7pm
361 12th St, Apt 4 (b/w 6th & 7th Aves)
Park Slope -- Brooklyn baby

Do you need plans for ringing in the new year with contemplative prayer and shofar blasts? Check out an egalitarian once-a-year gathering for the High Holy Days in the West Village.

Also, we're looking for hosts in this new year of 5772. Please email us!

October 14 (Sukkot; we skip Kol Nidre): Leora Singer
October 21: host needed
November 4: host needed
November 18: host needed

L'shana tova u'metukah -- to a happy and sweet new year,



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