Monday, September 12, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Kol haKfarians,

Thanks to Paul Fischer for being the consummate host last Friday. In a return to our regular 1st/3rd/5th Friday of the month schedule, we meet again this Friday, September 16th, at Laura Nova's apartment on the Lower East Side for davening and a dairy meal. Please RSVP at or on our spreadsheet at and let us know what you're bringing and how many are in your party.

Laura Nova -- 7pm

  • Our schedule for the next couple of months is below; please let us know if you can host!
September 30: Fifth Friday in Brooklyn at Jared Weinstein's in Park Slope
October 14 (Sukkot; we skip Kol Nidre): host needed
October 21: host needed
November 4: host needed
November 18: host needed

  • We're always on the lookout for new leaders and anyone who would like to give a d'var torah. Interested? Please email us!
  • Facebook has changed the way groups work. We're retiring our old group by Rosh HaShanah. Please like our new page here:
  • Invitation from Meredith Mandel: Everyone from Kol Hakfar is invited to a goodbye party my boyfriend and I are hosting on Sunday Sept. 25 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at 2 River Terrace in Battery Park before we head off to Israel for the year. For RSVP, please call 914-806-7884.

Have a great week,

Carrie from KhK


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