Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday November 4th

Friend, Jews, Lansmen,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets this Friday to celebrate Shabbat. Space is tight at Chez Thacher so we'll be capping attendance to keep from being packed -- please RSVP to secure a spot and indicate what you can bring. Email or fill out the spreadsheet at 5sg. It will be a dairy/vegetarian meal. Also, we like to start tefillot promptly so we can enjoy a relaxed and focused atmosphere, it's a bummer to interrupt davening when people buzz in late. Please join us in getting the minyan started (relatively) on time.

Zachary Thacher's place at 7pm
41 Grove St, 4B (just west of 7th Ave South)

The parsha this week is Lech Lecha, so we'll all be renaming ourselves and heading to Israel after Birkat haMazon. Please someone bring a giant boat.

--- In other news.... ---

Illana Feiglin invites you to join your fellow Kol HaKfarians at JNFuture*’s Garden of Eden on Thursday, November 10. This extremely popular event for Jewish professionals in NYC is a fun night out in one of the city’s hottest venues, the Gansevoort Park Avenue. Tickets are $90 (until 11/1 when prices increase). However, $30 of each ticket is tax deductible so you’re basically only paying $60 for 5 hours of open bar and food, raffle and entertainment along with a fun night out with old friends (and potentially new ones) in the city’s hottest new venue. To purchase your ticket, visit
*JNFuture is the gateway for the next generation to Jewish National Fund (JNF), the preeminent non-profit organization focused on caring for the state of Israel. JNFuture reaches out to 20- and 30-somethings through programming and events, missions to Israel and forums with young Jewish leaders to engage and increase support for JNF’s initiatives.

--- and ---

Adina Rosenthal invites everyone from Kol haKfar to come celebrate the amazing work of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) on November 16, 2011 at the annual benefit for Global Circle, the young professionals group supporting AJWS. Tickets start at $85 and prices go up on November 1, so buy one now before they're sold out! You can purchase tickets here: events/gcbenefit/ American Jewish World Service ( is the *only* Jewish organization working to pursue justice and promote human rights through grassroots development in the most marginalized communities around the world. We believe that local organizations know what’s best for their own communities, and so we support their work to fight poverty, hunger and disease from the ground up, working among the people of the developing world regardless of race, religion or nationality.

Both are great events and many Kfarians will be in attendance.


Zachary from KhK


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