Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011


Happy 5772! Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets this Friday, October 14th, at Leora Singer's Flatiron apartment to celebrate Shabbat and Sukkot with davening and a dairy meal. Please RSVP at kolhakfar@yahoo.com or on our spreadsheet at http://bit.ly/hP3gSj and let us know what you're bringing and how many are in your party.

Leora Singer -- 7pm


Become a fan of our newish Facebook page to keep up to date with Kol hakfar: http://on.fb.me/qpOHM3.

Do you live downtown between 34th Street and Canal? Interested in hosting KhK? If so, let us know. We next meet October 21; November 4; and November 18.

We're always on the lookout for new leaders and anyone who would like to give a d'var torah. Interested? Please email us!

Adina Rosenthal wants to invite everyone to come celebrate the amazing work of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) on November 16, 2011 at the annual benefit for Global Circle, the young professionals group supporting AJWS. Tickets start at $85 and prices go up on November 1, so buy one now before they're sold out! You can purchase tickets here: http://ajws.org/get_involved/events/gcbenefit/ American Jewish World Service (http://ajws.org/) is the *only* Jewish organization working to pursue justice and promote human rights through
grassroots development in the most marginalized communities around the world. We believe that local organizations know what’s best for their own communities, and so we support their work to fight poverty, hunger and disease from the ground up, working among the people of the developing world regardless of race, religion or nationality.

Shanah tovah,

Carrie from KhK


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