Monday, November 14, 2011

Friday, November 18


Kol haKfar meets this Friday night at a slightly revised time -- 6:30pm -- for a kosher dairy dinner chez Folkinshteyn. Please join us! Our hosts ask that people please bring kosher wine, heckshered packaged goods, e.g., challah, chips, pita, hummus, ice cream, cookies, etc., or plastic/paper goods. Please indicate what you're bringing by email or on our spreadsheet:

Jennie & Ben Folkinshteyn -- 6:30pm

In other news, we extend a hearty MAZAL TOV to Laura Nova on the birth of her son, Gabriel Oz! We look forward to seeing them both at Kol haKfar soon.

Shavua tov,

Carrie from KhK


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