Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Kol haKfar,

The downtown egalitarian minyan gathers this Friday July 15th at 7PM at 41 Grove St, 4B to daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv. Please bring friends and siddurim.

In other news:

Thanks to those of you who showed up for the leadership meeting this Tuesday evening. We had a good turn out and generated new ideas for expanding the minyan. We've also identified new opportunities for people to get involved in leadership capacities. Here are our next steps:

  • A shiur during a Shabbat community dinner or lunch -- help us organize a dinner or lunch over Shabbat with a shiur. We need people who can lead a shiur on a Jewish topic at a level sophisticated enough for the minyan. Help us find interesting academics, rabbinic students or lay leaders who can lead a shiur. We also need people to host the meal. Please email us to get involved!
  • Sukkot -- Stephanie and Zeke have generously opened up their beautiful home to host the second annual Sukkot dinner and Shabbat davening this October.
    New hosts -- want to host the minyan? Please email us to join our roster of hosts. We have about five homes on heavy rotation, let's add more!
  • Inviting new people to Shabbat dinners -- we're going to designate a few Shabbatot a year to invite Kol haKfar community members to multiple dinners happening across the Kol haKfar community. We'll announce the first dinner shortly. Contact us to host.
  • Web Skills -- if you have web programming skills we're looking to expand our web team. We've started with a new look to our website, now let's add new functionality like a calendar.
  • Incorporation -- Kol haKfar is going to incorporate so we can raise funds and become a more cohesive group. Our target is to become incorporated by the chagim.
    Please contact us if you'd like to get involved in any of these opportunities, or to suggest new ideas.


Kol haKfar


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