Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, is hosting two events this week. The first is a leadership meeting, July 12th, at 7PM. We can order in delivery if people like. The agenda is open, but mostly it's designed to come up with ideas for how to expand the minyan: host a Shabbat day services? A Shabbat lunch with the Orthodox Downtown Minyan? Perhaps we want to offer a shiur? Or do more social action events? Should we meet more regularly?

Please meet us at Zachary Thacher's apartment: 41 Grove St, 4B, at 7PM.

Secondly, Kol haKfar meets for davening this Friday July 15th at 7PM. We'll also meet at Zachary's apartment. Please email us to volunteer to host the minyan on August 5th.


Kol haKfar


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