Friday, June 24, 2005

Kol haKfar,

Friends, Shabbat Shalom. Kol haKfar IS NOT meeting tonight, but we wanted to tell you about a few events. We are meeting July 1st at Paul Fischer's apartment at 9 Barrow Street, 5F at 7PM for davening.

First, we’d like to have another leadership meeting on July 12th at 7PM at Zachary’s apartment. All are welcome to join. Please let us know if you can attend. If we can't get a decent sized group of confirmed people then we may postpone. Please RSVP.

Second, the Jewish Community Day of Learning: Save Darfur, Sudan is happening Sunday, June 26
Please join the New York City Jewish community in an afternoon dedicated toraising funds for Emergency Relief in Darfur, discussing strategies for activism, and reflecting on Jewish issues raised by the ongoing crisis. All funds raised will benefit the American Jewish World Service's Sudan Relief and Advocacy Fund.
This event is co-sponsored by Amcha: Coaltion for Jewish Concerns, the American Jewish World Service, Congregation Ansche Chesed, CongregationB'nai Jeshurun, Central Synagogue, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Temple Gates of Prayer, Congregation Habonim, Kol Zimrah, Congregation Magen David, Not Now Not Ever, the Park Slope Jewish Center, the Park Slope Minyan, the PelhamJewish Center, the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, the Park Slope JewishCenter, Congregation Shaare Zedek, and the UJA Federation-NY.

The event will take place from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Emanu-El: 10 East 66th St. (at FifthAvenue).
The schedule for the day is as follows:
1:00 Opening PlenaryThe opening plenary will welcome everyone to the day of learning and feature speakers who represent the Jewish response to the current crisis in Darfur. Rabbi Danny Landes of the Pardes Insititute for Jewish studies will be among the participants.
1:45 Learning Session 1
2:40 Learning Session 2
In each learning session, five to ten classes will, respectively, address Judaic perspectives on the issues raised by the events in Darfur. Confirmed speakers include Rabbi Etan Mintz of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale and Rabbi Eliyahu Stern of Park East Synagogue.3:35
Closing Program
The day will conclude with an educator from the American Jewish World Service offering suggestions for continued Sudan advocacy work and reflecting on the meaning of the day. A minimum donation of $20 will be requested at the event. Additional donations can be made at Inquiries about volunteer and co-sponsorship opportunities should be directed to or to 646-209-8960.

Third, It’s the CSFA 20/30 Something Shabbat tonight, June 26th

Join us for a friendly evening of tuneful davening at the Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue's monthly 20/30-Something Shabbat on Friday
evening, June 24th. Kabbalat Shabbat services begin at 6:00 PM, and will be followed by light refreshments.

No charge and no need to RSVP; Email questions to Seth Adelson at or Ilana Sausen at

CSFA is a traditional, egalitarian shul in the Village. We are located at 11 E. 11th St., between Fifth Avenue and University Place. Visit
our website at

Shabbat Shalom!


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