Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Happy New Year!

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan -- aka Voice of the Village -- gathers this Friday night after the close of Rosh haShanah for inspired davening and a dairy meal at Leora's lovely loft just north of Madison Square Park. Please join us, and please bring side dishes & salads to share. Add your name to the spreadsheet so we can track headcount: http://bit.ly/16E6VnC. Or email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com.

Leora Singer, 7pm
--email us for the deets--

From all of us at Kol Kfar, we wish you a sweet, healthy, prosperous, fun and rewarding new year. See you all in 5774.

What do we wish for as a minyan in the new year? More hosts! We've been told that haShem really enjoys it when people host a Kehal, but that just might be midrash. If you would like to host the minyan in your downtownish home, please email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com.

Shana tova u'metuka,



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