Monday, August 08, 2005

Dear Friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets again Friday, August 19th to celebrate Shabbat. We are still looking for a host, please email us to volunteer your home. Thanks to Avi Newman for hosting a very successful davening and dinner last Shabbat.

In other news, Hilla Medalia, a cousin of the illustrious Rahel Lerner - our new liason to the Upper West Side - is screening her Israeli documentary this Tuesday evening at the JCC, followed by drinks on the roof. "39 Pounds of Love" is the story of a young Israeli man born with a severe disability who travels to America to find the doctor who first treated him as a boy. The film has won numerous awards and will soon be qualified for an Oscar nomination. By all accounts this is a moving and compelling picture, and you get a chance to swill booze on the JCC roof while flirting with cute Israelis, since Dor Chadash sponsors the event:

Tuesday, August 9th / JCC at 76th and Amsterdam
Doors at 7:30PM, film starts at 8PM
$15 in advance, $20 at the door

Shavuah Tov,

Kol haKfar


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