Monday, August 04, 2014

Kol haKfar, the (way) downtown egalitarian minyan, gathersthis Friday night at Ragner Reyes' apartment in the Financial District. Weather permitting, we'll daven Shabbat prayers and dine on his terrace with a potluck dairy/vegetarian meal. And maybe have some Cuban dancing.

Please RSVP via the spreadsheet ( or email ( to show what you're bringing so we have a well-rounded meal. Side dishes are particularly appreciated. Ragner is rumored to like scotch.

Ragner Reyes, 7pm
-- email us at for the address --

During this tumultuous time in Israel, I wish you a thoughtful and restorative Tish B'Av. It's amazing to think that we can witness this memorial holiday with a sovereign Israel as a political and spiritual reality. May she stay strong and remain whole. 

Shavuah tov,

Zachary from KhK


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