Monday, April 14, 2014

Kol haKfar wishes all of you a very special Pesah -- freedom is a wonderful gift, best shared with all of humanity.

This Friday 4/18 we're hosting a Pesah meal at Jean Steiner's beautiful Chelsea home. We'll have spirited davening for Shabbat and then a festive, catered, meat, kosher l'pesah meal. Yum!

We ask all attendees to contribute a required $18 donation. Please go to and click the PayPal button in the right column, or bring check/cash to give to a board member at the event. Please add yourself to the list so we know how much food to order -

Our host asks that you kindly remove your shoes before entering. Please note that her name is not on the buzzer.

Jean Steiner's apartment, 7pm

email at for the address!חג שמח
-- Zachary


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