Monday, January 20, 2014


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday for an evening of Shabbat davening, a kosher dairy community meal, and a special presentation to thank our very generous hosts for their service to the community. Our hosts this particular Friday -- Ben and Jennie Folkinshteyn -- ask that you please bring hekshered, packaged dairy/vegetarian foods to contribute, and/or kosher wine. They keep a strictly kosher home so please only bring prepared foods from a kosher kitchen.

Please join us, and please let us know on the spreadsheet ( what you're bringing so we can make sure to have a well-rounded meal. Or you can email

Ben and Jennie Folkinshteyn, 7pm
Please email for the address:

In other news, we're having our annual community meeting on February 2nd at 2pm at Carrie Kingsley and Marc Miller's apartment. Please email us to attend:

Shavuah tov,



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