Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Please join us this Friday in the West Village for a night of davening, dining and discussion. Paul Fischer and his lofty home are our hosts for the evening. We're having a dairy meal, so please bring dairy/vegetarian food to share or a bottle of wine. Please let us know what you're bringing: http://bit.ly/16E6VnC (or email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com).

Paul Fischer, 7pm
-email us for the address: kolhakfar@yahoo.com-

Also - we encourage you to support Kol haKfar. We want to continue our reimbursement policy for hosts, seal the deal on our new website and email platform, and we have a plan to honor KhK community members. We kindly ask for your help by making a tax-deductible donation. As a suggested scale, we recommend a donation from $36 to $360.

You can send a check by snail mail or from your online bank. Please make it out to "Kol haKfar" at 41 Grove St #4B / NY NY 10014. Or you can use PayPal. Click the "Donate" button at www.kolhakfar.org on the right side of the page. Donations are 100% tax deductible – a letter will be sent to each donor.

Last but not least, our dear friend Seb Kafetz is running the marathon next month. Please support his charity efforts -  www.runwithtfk.org/profile/ publicpage/12549 

Shavuah tov,



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