Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Shalom friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, presents a special Shavuot program on Tuesday evening in Leora's lovely loft. We'll enjoy dinner, potluck desserts, holiday drinks and a DIY Leil Tikkun.

Please bring a dairy dessert or beverage; the minyan will pick up the main course. Since we're lay-led, it seems fitting to have a group Leil Tikkun. If you'd like to give a short drash about the chag, please note it on the spreadsheet, along with what you're bringing. 
http://goo.gl/n5zHNa /info@kolhakfar.org.

The goal is to have a few good group conversations about receiving the Torah, the Book of Ruth, or whatever else is relevant.

Tuesday, June 3rd
Email us for the address.

Next up, the kehilah meets on next Friday for our regularly scheduled Shabbat gathering, this time in Union Square. Stay tuned for more info next week.

-- Zachary


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