Thursday, June 05, 2014

Shalom friends,

This is a reminder that Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday night for a festive Shabbat gathering. We're talking egalitarian davening in Hebrew, a dairy/vegetarian community meal, and a short d'var Torah.

Please bring food to share: we always need vegetarian sides, kosher & regular wine, non-alcoholic beverages, etc. Please note what you're bringing on the list. or email

Friday, June 6th--email for address--

Community Note:
KhK member Adina Rosenthal invites everyone to celebrate the amazing work of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) on June 26th at its annual benefit for Global Circle, their young professionals group. Buy a ticket now before they're sold out! Purchase tickets here: For more info:

Lastly, we need hosts! Please open your home to the Jew Crew. Instant karma/tikkun points applied to you in the afterlife, guaranteed.

-- Zachary


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