Monday, February 27, 2012

Shalom friends,

We'd like to thank everyone at the Academy for nominating us as the most glamorous downtown egalitarian minyan for 2011. We were wearing a black Eichler's yarmulke paired with an Hermes Tallis. Now before the music cues us off-stage....

Kol haKfar gathers this Friday night at 6:30pm at Leora Singer's lofty home to celebrate Shabbat with spirited davening and a potluck dairy meal. Please RSVP to let us know what you're bringing -- you can fill out the spreadsheet 5sg or email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.comCarrie Kingsley will honor the yahrzeit for her mother by providing wine for our kiddush and meal. We ask people to please make an effort to come on time so we can have a minyan early.

Leora Singer, 6:30pm
email for address

Also, Jonathan and Malorie Schecter will honor the yahrzeit for Jonathan's grandfather on Saturday 3/03 at 7pm with a minyan so Jonathan's mother can say Kaddish. Please join them. Food will be provided. Please RSVP directly to Jonathan:

Last but not least, our loss is Los Angeles' gain: our very own Adina Rosenthal is moving to LA next week for an exciting new opportunity. She invites everyone to come to her goodbye party this Saturday night to have fun, meet new people and send her off in style. All are welcome. Saturday 3/03 from 9pm onwards at White Rabbit, 145 East Houston St. (Now we finally may just get that minyan nomination....)

Shavuah tov,



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