Monday, August 28, 2006


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets again this Friday at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat and to have another potluck vegetarian kosher dinner. Please bring siddurim and a kosher veggie meal to share. The host will supply plates and utensils. If your last name starts with a "A-E," please bring a drink. Otherwise, for "F-Z" food is best.

Avi Newman's apartment at 7pm
239 Park Avenue South #PHD (19th/20th)

In other news, we're considering opening up the site to be a downtown Jewish blog, where people can post events, musings, etc, that are related to living (or just loving) downtown Jewish NY life. Anyone interested in joining the team that adds to the blog on, say, a weekly or bi-weekly basis? Email us if so:

Have a great week!

-- Kol haKfar


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