Thursday, August 24, 2006

Chevreh/people we have dated/spouses/Jews/people we are dating/friends of Jews/people we want to date/just friends, you know who you are,

Last Friday we had great and spirited Shabbat davening at the Sanctuary of Modernism/ contender, and a successful picnic on the Christopher St Pier. Thanks to Leora and Mike for leading us in steady, then steadily more strenous, davening.

We'd post photos of us on the pier but, well, those aren't allowed on Shabbat. Instead, draw a mental image of 15 downtown Jews sitting on blankets in the cool Hudson night, noshing on delicious stuffed grape leaves prepared by an incredibly sexy chef while waiting for Jonathan to finish carving his chickens on a nearby bench. Then someone made a rude remark about mevushal wine and it was all over. We drank the red red wine and debated JD Salinger's identity as a Jew and his (unfortunate?) fetishization of The Buddha. At some point there was a tiny dog and exhibitionist locals parading around us while krumping. Or maybe not. All I know is we didn't talk about Israel, which was a relief.

Next week, on Friday Sept 1st, we gather YET AGAIN, in our ongoing march to celebrate Shabbat (nearly all the time) at Avi Newman's loft on the Upper East Side of Downtown -- i.e., Park Avenue South in the 20s. More location deets TK. This will also be a potluck dinner because a) the community loves potluck dinners in an apparent ode to the Native American potlach, b) few people will be around for Yom Ovadah and we want to guarantee a minyan by seducing you with food and boiled wine and c) it's time to announce our love for packaged hummus: everyone must bring a different brand and as soon as we taste our first sweet bite we'll stage a die-in to protest the New York Time's coverage of the Labrador Islands. It will all be on YouTube by Saturday afternoon, Shabbas rules be damned!

Item "c" and all sundry sentences are a joke. We're davening again on September 1st at 7pm. Bring siddurim.

Shavuah tov,

Kol haKfar

PS Some of us are going to Kol Zimrah's "musical" Shababt on Riverside park on Friday Aug 25th. Email us if you want to go as a group.


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