Friday, August 18, 2006


Tonight the downtown egalitarian minyan gathers at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat at Zachary's place. We'll follow davening with a potluck meal -- if the weather is nice we'll eat outside, at the nearby Christopher Street Pier on the Hudson. If not we'll eat in the "cozy" apartment.

Please bring food to share -- if it's meat the food must be kosher, if it's pareve a heksher isn't necessary, but please be clear. Bring a beach towel or picnic blanket. For those who can't bring food, please bring kosher wine or non alcoholic beverages. You can refer to the last email for a breakdown in names if that's helpful. Zachary will supply disposable plates, cups and cutlery.

Zachary Thacher
41 Grove St, 4B at 7pm

Last things to schlep: siddurim, friends, a light heart and eagerness to share.

Shabbat Shalom,



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