Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Thanks to all of you who came out and supported Israel at our fundraiser the other week at the M&R Bar. We raised over $1700 within a few hours! All of the funds have been sent to Israel. If you didn't have a chance to contribute in person, please goto http://www.ujafedny.org/ and send donations to our homeland.

Happily, for a few days at least, we can enjoy a respite as Israel strengthens herself for the next challenge. While we enjoy the lull, let's plan to meet again this Friday night, August 18th at 7pm at Zachary's apartment for Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv davening, and for a long-needed community pot luck kosher meat dinner. That's right, meat, kosher meat! (Or pareve.) Bring siddurs, and bring food. Zachary will supply all of the cutlery and dishes, cups, and challot. We can't fit more than 20 or so people, so you must RSVP by Wednesday to kolhakfar@yahool.com to secure your place. If you don't RSVP, we can't guarantee you a place in Zachary's "cozy" apartment.

Food: kosher hekshered meat dishes you prepared in your kosher kitchen, or you bought at a kosher market in midtown or on the upper west side or wherever, or vegetarian/pareve non-hekshered food you made at home in a kosher or non-kosher kitchen, or that you bought in a store and isn't hummus. (Yes a few can bring hummus, but not too many!) Basically the meat needs to be super kosher, and the veggie stuff can be just veggie. But no dairy whatsoever. Like no cookies with a "D" on them.

Last name:
A - T: sharable main course
U - Z: kosher wine or non-alcoholic beverages or beer

Zachary Thacher's place
41 Grove St, 4B -- 7pm

See you on Friday -- please RSVP!


Kol haKfar

PS Special thanks to Rebecca Milzoff for suggesting the dinner idea.


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