Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Kol haKfar, the downtown egal minyan, gathers this Friday evening, May 5th, at 7pm to celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv. Please note that last week we didn't have a minyan until Ma'ariv -- please make every effort to show up on time. The success of the minyan depends on all of us giving it our best.

Rachel Sontag's apartment at 7pm
267 West 15th Street 4FS (corner of 8th)

Two items:
Some have asked if they can sponsor a kiddush of wine, cookies, cups and whatever else they'd like to bring. Please email us to host this week's kiddush. It's a great way to contribute if you don't host or lead services, and it reduces the work for our generous hosts.

It's become increasingly time consuming to track down new hosts. We'd like to put together a small host committee of one or two people to create a three-month schedule of future hosts, and to help bring in new hosts. If you're organized (and, well, a good influencer) and motivated to help out, please email us. It's a minimal time commitment, and it's a great way to expand our leadership team.

Shavuah Tov,



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