Sunday, March 05, 2006


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets on Friday March 17th at 6pm to celebrate Shabbat. Please bring a friend or come on your own -- and please bring a siddur.

Stephanie Green and Zeke Vanderhoek's apartment:
19 St Marks Place, Apt 3J

We will hold a Saturday morning service at Daniel Neiden's home sometime before Pesah. He has a Torah, siddurim, tallisim, etc., and a lovely, large living room. We need people to read Torah, act as gabbis, help lead portions of the service and, most importantly, to join us and make a minyan. Please email to volunteer to be a part of our first ever Saturday service.

It's only with your effort that we can make ourselves into a successful, nationaly-recognized minyan that's the envy of the Upper West Side and turns downtown New York into the pre-war Vilna of the 21st century. (I know we shouldn't be competitive but it just feels right.)(Kidding.)(Sort of.)




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