Monday, January 16, 2006

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday night, January 20th, at 6PM to celebrate Shabbat with davening, a drash and a light kiddush. Please bring friends and siddurim.

Please join us at Elizabeth Cate's apartment on 125 West 3rd Street #3C between 6th Avenue and MacDougal Street.

Shavuah Tov,


After Kol haKfar davening on 1/20 Town & Village synagogue hosts an oneg Shabbat:

Chocolate Heaven follows…
A light, kosher vegetarian Shabbat DINNER on 1/20
To reserve a place for any or all parts of the evening, please RSVP to Jane at by Jan. 16th, and make sure to send in your check in advance.
(Young adults just $10 for the dinner in Advance by mail)
All events at Town and Village Synagogue – 334 East 14th Street. For any or all parts of the evening, please RSVP at by Jan. 16th , and make sure to send in your check in advance.
Please mail your reservation with a check to:
Town and Village Synagogue
334 East 14th Street
NY NY 10003
Cost for Young Adults is just $10 for the dinner. Please make checks out to Town and Village Synagogue, with "synaplex" written in the "For" space.


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